On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)

So, let’s cut to the chase - the reason that slashed the price of the by 33% at the September 5 Apple Event was because and company felt that was the best way to bring the device to the mainstream phone buyer. Everyone I know who owns an iPhone is someone who is an early adopter of consumer electronics. People who buy Apple products the moment they are available, people who refresh their RSS readers a few times an hour (or more), and people who scour sites like Gear Live for news multiple times a day. The only person I knew who owned an iPhone who didn’t fit the mold was my wife, Monica. I figured I would have her review the iPhone from her perspective - that being someone who couldn’t care less about technology, gadgets, the Internet, or anything that involves something that has to be charged or plugged in to a wall. This, dear friends, is a review of the iPhone from someone who is completely satisfied with the free crappy phone you get when you sign up for any standard cell phone plan.

Do note that the video was recorded prior to the iPhone price drop, so keep that in mind.

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Gear Live and GamerAndy are back, bringing you their final thoughts from 2007, this time bringing Bobby Blackwolf along for the ride. We go over all the things we were impressed with at PAX, along with the things that left a bad taste in our mouths. We get into a deep discussion on how even hardcore games are starting to cater to the casual gamer, and how it seems that it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Did you know that you can do almost everything in just by pushing forward on the analog stick? Where is the skill in that? If you missed the 2007 Penny Arcade Expo and love video games, this is one to watch.

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We hit this year and had a fantastic time. So much so, in fact, that we just had to capture it - the essence of what is truly all about - in video for your viewing pleasure. Here, Andru Edwards, GamerAndy, and Sparky talk about the sights and sounds of the Penny Arcade Expo, go over the idiosyncrasies of color availability and how you can be construed as less of a man if you choose the wrong one, Rock Band being amazing, and how geeky Magic: The Gathering is…and that is just a sample of the miscellaneous ramblings you’ll find in this episode. If you love video games, this is one to watch.

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Okay, we know that since released the , you’ve all been wanting to modify it to do your bidding. Over on the OS X side of things, we have iFuntastic, which provides a slick GUI interface for modding your device. New to the Windows side of things is . iBrickr is the Windows application that makes it dead simple to modify your iPhone, add and manage custom ringtones, and install third-party applications. We give you a full tutorial of how it all works in this episode.

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Read More | iBrickr

While the release of the newly redesigned aluminum and glass have been fantastic, the fact that they ship with just 1 GB of RAM by default isn’t so exciting. We knew immediately that this called for a RAM upgrade in the iMac, and we were happy to find that installation has gotten easier and easier as new iMac models are released (although there is a particular spot of trouble, which is featured at the end of the video in the outtakes.) In the past, we been both disappointed and delighted with iMac RAM installation. In this episode, we show you how to upgrade the RAM in the new iMac in a step-by-step manner - at a far less expensive price than you would have to pay to do it. Hit the video for the full scoop.

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This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

At Gnomedex 7.0, we caught up with Stacy Wolff of . This is the man in charge of designing all those shiny (literally) new laptops we have been seeing come out of Hewlett-Packard. We talk to Stacy about product design in a day and age where fashion can be just as important as function - after all, has turned computers into accessories. Stacy shows us the thought process behind a couple of new consumer-level and professional-level HP notebooks in this video.

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This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

We’ve been getting to many questions from readers as to different features that we figured it was time for us to try and answer just about all of them with a video. This is our Ultimate iPhone Feature Walkthrough. We look at each and every feature of the iPhone, including all of the sub-options in each. Going through the list, that includes everything from SMS, to YouTube, straight through to the new functionality. Oh, and the phone too.

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This episode was sponsored by Geek Squad’s Idea Festival. Submit your ideas for using technology to save the planet at ideafest.geeksquad.com.

One unique aspect of the is that you, as the buyer, get to activate it yourself using , rather than having the phone activated in-store. We figured we would activate the phone on camera to show how seamless (or non-seamless, depending on how you look at it) the iPhone activation experience is. Watch the video, and let us know what you think.

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We visited one of the fifty or so groups participating in the DARPA Urban Challenge during one of their qualifying rounds. In case you are unaware, the DARPA Urban Challenge is a charge given publicly to groups who are capable of designing and proving the technology for autonomously driven vehicles. Carnegie Mellon University teamed up with GM to create an autonomous SUV they call “Boss.” In order to participate in November’s 60-mile urban driverless race, they need to pass this benchmark. Check out the video to see Boss pull perfect three point turns and beautifully follow traffic rules - even at four way stops with other cars. We’re crazy excited to see this technology come alive in our society. The team from DARPA is darting back and forth across our country qualifying and disqualifying entries. Some of the remaining companies and teams will bring us autonomously driven cars during our lifetime, its amazing how close we already are.

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We went out to headquarters right outside Seattle to talk to Ben Rudolph, and to get a first-hand look at Parallels 3.0. Ben walks us through all of the new features of the latest release of the vastly popular OS X virtualization software, including 3D GPU support, SmartSelect, and Snapshots. If you have been waiting for something truly excellent to enhance your computing experience, this may very well be it.

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